St Bede's Catholic College Chisholm Crest

Parents Forum

Parents Forum Image

Parents Forum

Stemming from the Term 1 2018 Inaugural Parent Meeting, several models were presented for consideration on how the College could best engage parents. Included in these models were a structured Parents and Friends Association verses a less structured Parent Forum. It was eventually decided, at least for the opening year or two, to adopt a Parent Forum approach where formal positions of responsibility would not exist. 

The logic behind this was that the adoption of a formal Parents and Friends Association would mean all committee positions would be taken for the first few years by the first group of parents, hence restricting the opportunity for future parents. 

It was also decided that the first half of the Parent Forum meetings would be spent on a topic of interest which may include a guest speaker.  

Examples of topics would include bullying, cyber issues, student welfare, time management, and developing positive relationships with the parish. The second half of the meeting would be discussing a range of issues that would be sent to the Principal prior to the meeting.

Parent Forums occur once a term from 6.00 to 7.30pm on different nights throughout the week. 

The College greatly values the role of the parent as partners in the education of their children and we warmly encourage their attendance at these meetings.

2024 Parent Forum Dates

  • Term 1: Monday 26 February
  • Term 2: Tuesday 28 May
  • Term 3: Wednesday 21 August
  • Term 4: Wednesday 13 November


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