This morning to mark the commencement of works for the new Chisholm Chapel and the next stage of the Chisholm educational precinct expansion, Bishop Michael Kennedy and CEO Sean Scanlon turned the first sod as part of a ceremony to celebrate the start of construction
The Chapel will be located at the heart of the Chisholm education precinct and will be an inclusive and dedicated space for prayer and liturgy. When completed, the Chisholm Chapel will be a circular building with the Stations of the Cross displayed on its undercover exterior, landscaped gardens, a reflection pool and the statues of St Bede, St Aloysius and Mary.
The chapel, which is being constructed in partnership with Richard Crookes Construction has been in planning for some time with the late Bishop Bill Wright helping with aspects of the design, including the circular building, the landscaping and it being open without fences to promote inclusion. Once constructed the chapel will be a dedicated intimate space for prayer and for liturgy at the heart of both St Bede's Catholic College and St Aloysius Primary School.
In addition to the chapel, further works commencing at St Bede’s Catholic College include a multi-purpose sports hall, performing arts studio and technological and applied science workshop facilities.