Creative and Performing Arts
The Creative and Performing Arts are an essential part of a balanced education. By developing an appreciation and understanding of creative and artistic expression, students have the opportunity to celebrate the richness of human experience. Developing skills in the creative and performing arts can help develop confident, resilient and reflective young adults.
It is mandatory that all Stage Four students experience 100 hours of quality education in Music, Visual Arts and Languages. At St Bede's, students will study the required hours of Music in Year 7 and complete Visual Arts and Languages in Year 8. In the near future, specialised subjects from the Creative and Performing Arts will be offered as elective courses for study in Stage 5 and Stage 6 HSC.
St Bede’s has a vibrant and growing Creative and Performing Arts Department with frequent exhibition of student work and performance in the school and community. Classroom learning is enhanced by visiting artists, professional workshops and access to a range of live performances and gallery excursions. Learning experiences and performance opportunities are tailored to student interests and abilities.
Community performances, exhibition and performance showcases, and involvement in the liturgical aspects of the school are some of the highlights of our school calendar. These are in addition to a host of diocesan wide activities available such as Diocesan Theatre Sports, ‘DioSounds’ and ‘Aspire’ - an audition-based drama, dance, music and creative and performing arts program.