St Bede's Catholic College Chisholm Crest

Mission and Vision Statement/School Improvement Plan

Vision, Mission and Strategic Plan of St Bede's Catholic College Chisholm.

Mission and Vision Statement/School Improvement Plan

The College began its strategic planning by implementing two three-year strategic plans (2017-19 and 2020- 22) that successfully guided us through the planning and development that was required for a new school. Underpinning these two plans were the Mission and Vision statements which provided an overall guide for our planning.

Throughout 2023 a comprehensive and collaborative process of developing a new Mission and Vision Statement was undertaken and was implemented at the start of 2024. This Statement will remain in place until at least 2030 and will guide the annual school improvement plans in targeting key priorities.  Central to this plan are the four key pillars - courage, faith, knowledge, and community. These four pillars had their origins in the four student houses of Benedict, Dominic, Marion and McAuley. The four pillars are all interconnected and linked back to the College’s motto of Shine with Christ’s Glory, which in turn is linked back to the Maitland Newcastle’s Diocesan’s Vision ‘At the heart of everything is always Jesus Christ’. Please see below the College’s Mission and Vision Statement.



For 2024, the two targeted College goals are:

  1. All staff will have a shared understanding of the importance of the Catholic worldview and perspectives and a clear framework for embedding these into their programs and pedagogical practices.
  2. Develop a coherent sequenced plan for curriculum delivery that ensures consistent teaching and learning expectations and a clear reference for monitoring learning across the year levels. (NSIT – Domain 6)

St Bede’s 2024 School Improvement Plan 


The College’s Annual School Improvement Plan aligns to the Maitland Newcastle’s Diocesan 2023 - 2025 Strategic Plan which is below.


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