St Bede's Catholic College Chisholm Crest
English Image


Year 7 to 10 English at St Bede’s is the study and use of the English language in its various textual forms. These encompass spoken, written and visual texts of varying complexity through which meaning is shaped, conveyed, interpreted and reflected. Our new programs follow the rationale, aims, objectives and outcomes of the NSW Board of Studies English Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. 

Assessment focuses on assessment of, for and as learning. We use a variety of assessment tools including self-assessment, peer assessment and personal goal setting. Our programs are taught in a supportive school environment, allowing students to develop into confident, articulate and independent learners with values formed within a Catholic framework.

The English Faculty is committed to developing each student's potential as an effective communicator. Our programs give considerable scope for achieving necessary literacy outcomes. Students are provided with the opportunity to study a range of texts, from pre-twentieth century to the contemporary, Australian, including Indigenous literature, Asian literature, media and multi-media texts.

In their study of English, students develop their critical and imaginative faculties and broaden their cultural understanding. They examine the contexts of language usage to understand how meaning is shaped by a variety of social factors. As students’ command of English grows, they can question, assess, challenge and reformulate information and use creative and analytical language to clarify and solve problems. They become imaginative and confident users of information and communication technologies, understanding their impact on society.

We aim to develop skills to enable students to experiment with ideas and expression, to become active, independent learners, to work with each other and to reflect on their learning. 

St Bede’s offers an evidenced-based integrated literacy program to grow each student’s capabilities in literacy. This program is personalised, so that students’ literacy is focused on their individual learning needs.

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